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Rooms - Help
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Rooms Help ✋

Need help? Email and we’ll get back to you soon because we 🧡 you.

🔍 Have a question and not sure where to turn? Chances are, someone has asked it before! Check out our FAQ section below for quick answers to common questions.        

💬 Looking for the wisdom from other Rooms creators? The #get-help channel on Discord is your go-to hub for seeking assistance from the community. There's a good chance you'll find a friendly face ready to guide you.

 Table of Contents

  Signing Up and Logging In

How do I sign up for Rooms on web?

On the web, visit and, in the top menu select “Create.” You will be taken to a default room. From there you can click the “Sign In” button or profile icon. You will be prompted to sign in (in this case sign up) with either your Google Account, Apple ID, or Email.

How do I sign up for Rooms on iOS?

You don’t need an account to view rooms, but if you want to make rooms, tap the profile icon in the top right, and then tap Sign In. You can log-in via Apple, Google, or via a magic link.

Where do I go if I have login issues?

If you’ve already signed up and can’t log back in, first re-attempt with the method you normally use (Google, Apple, Email). If you are still having issues, reach out to the Rooms team on Discord in the #get-help channel.

If you are new and need to sign up, re-try the preferred method. If an issue persists you can try one of the other options. If this does not resolve the issue, reach out to the Rooms team on Discord in the #get-help channel.

  Getting Started

How to create a room?

To create a room, you have a few options. On the web, the easiest is to click “Create” from the menu and click the “Remix” option that is beside your profile picture. In the iOS app, after logging in, you can tap on your avatar and then select “Create Room” in the menu.

How do I make a room without walls?

If you already started a room, you can reference the tutorial video for moving walls (Link), as they can’t be removed at this point. However, if you know you want a room without walls, you can remix the no-walls template room provided here:

 Rooms on iOS

Is Rooms available for mobile?

Rooms as a mobile application is currently only available on iOS. If you are an iOS user, you can download the app on the App Store or by visiting Rooms is not currently available on Android and does not run on a mobile browser.

How to download the iOS app?

The app is available to be downloaded through the App Store on iOS devices or by visiting

What can be done on the iOS app?

The iOS App has the same full functionality for viewing, playing, creating, editing, and sharing your rooms as the desktop version. This includes all of the tools in the model editor and code editor!


What to do if Rooms won’t load?

This could happen for a number of reasons. First, visit another website to ensure that your connection is working. Second, close the Rooms tab in the browser and try to re-open the page.

If the page still will not load, check to see if “Hardware Acceleration” is enabled in your browser. If it is, we’ve heard that some extensions can prevent the page from loading. You can disable your extensions to see if this is the case.

If you are still unable to load the page, reach out to the Rooms team on discord in the #get-help channel.

Where can I get code help?

Whether you are learning to code or exploring new features, the first place to start is with the documentation ( and tutorials on the Things YouTube channel.

For help, the Discord community is incredibly helpful. There you can find another link to video tutorials or post your question in the #get-help channel where a member of the Rooms team or the Rooms community can lend a helping hand.

What should I do if I think I find a bug?

Bugs happen and we appreciate your willingness to help us find and squash those that appear. The easiest place is the “bug-report” channel in the discord.

To help with addressing the issue, the more information you can provide the better. Providing information on the device and browser you are using, as well as what you were doing when the bug appeared would be of great help in seeking a solution.

 Other Frequently Asked Questions

What computer “specs” do I need to run rooms?

Rooms runs in your browser, so most computers will be able to run the application. If you encounter issues, ensure that you are running the latest version of your browser of choice. If this does not resolve the issue, you can try another browser or reach out to the Rooms team on Discord in the #get-help channel.  

What programming language does Rooms use?

Rooms is built on Unity, but the programming language used in the Code Editor is Lua.

Can I follow creators?

You can choose to receive notifications when another user publishes a new room. On iOS, tap the bell that is next to the creator’s avatar on their profile.

How do I add things to the Things library?

Click on the Thing you want to add to the library and on the right menu (at the bottom) there is an UP arrow that when clicked will submit a request for addition. Submission review is rolling, but if your Thing is added, you will receive an email notification. This feature is not currently available on the iOS version.

Can I use voxel art from other platforms?

Definitely! Rooms will accept .vox files. Just drag and drop them into the browser in the room you want on the web or import them into through the media library on iOS.

What’s the difference between public and unlisted?

All rooms can be found via the URL (web address) of the room. Within the Rooms application, public and unlisted determines whether or not your room can be found within the “Browse Rooms” or “For you” pages.

Can I showcase my room outside of the room's platform?

Absolutely! Each room has a unique URL that can be shared as if it were any link.

Can I embed my Room in a website?

The way that Rooms is built makes it unlikely that it will perform in the desired manner as an embedded element. The best way to share your room is with its unique URL.

Can I rename my room?

No… but you can make a copy of it under a new name (see next question). After you confirm the copy was successfully created, you can then delete the original, so all this will have the same effect as "renaming" your room but any likes, views and comments won't carry over to the new room.

Can I make a copy of my room?

Yes! On mobile, tap the overflow menu (the three vertical dots), then Save As. On desktopHold the Shift key while you click the Save button, and it will work as "Save As", allowing you to save your room under a new name. Remember, the original room will still exist!

Can two people edit a room at the same time?

Not yet! But you can remix anyone's room, so if you want to collaborate with someone you can take turns remixing one another's version of the room until you get to the final version. Just make sure to coordinate who's editing so you're not both remixing.

How do I delete my account?

Fill out the form at Note that the deletion process takes 24-72h and until it's completed you won't be able to create a new Rooms account using the same email.